Okay I'm just gonna cry myself to death bye
"But the wild times are over. He [Tom] is lucky with ONE girl: Since 2011 he’s in love with Ria.
What does Bill think about his twin having a girlfriend?
“It’s weird for me. He has someone, I don’t. But I know that we’ll always have the closest relationship. With us it’s like this – and women have to accept that. We’re always with each other. A girl has to have a relationship with both of us." "

Trodde det var jag och Tom liksom, men nähe...
Nej men skämt åsido. Trodde väl aldrig att jag skulle säga detta, men jag är glad för Toms skull. Hade detta varit för 4-5 år sedan hade jag dött av hjärtekross men nu har jag mognat hehhehe :D
What does Bill think about his twin having a girlfriend?
“It’s weird for me. He has someone, I don’t. But I know that we’ll always have the closest relationship. With us it’s like this – and women have to accept that. We’re always with each other. A girl has to have a relationship with both of us." "

Trodde det var jag och Tom liksom, men nähe...
Nej men skämt åsido. Trodde väl aldrig att jag skulle säga detta, men jag är glad för Toms skull. Hade detta varit för 4-5 år sedan hade jag dött av hjärtekross men nu har jag mognat hehhehe :D